I remember my first time hearing about the “selfie”. I think that i was in seventh grade when the trend started to get popular around america. I didn’t understand it at first. To be very honest, I also thought the thing was very useless and dumb to begin with. I was not encouraged to start the trend either when different celebrities that i did not like, Kim Kardashian for example, started to make it more famous. To make it more annoying, there was a whole edm song dedicated to the picture angle. I agreed with the article when it was talking about how the selfie almost encouraged narcissistic behavior. I remember watching classmates and people in public trying to take the perfect selfie. I didn’t make sense to me and they always looked dumb doing it. And then people had to go ahead and start doing duck faces while taking selfies which just increased the idiocy in taking them for me. Another thing that was brought up in the article in which i used to believe in was the sexism that was linked to selfies. Most people back then believed that selfies were mostly taken by girls. This I highly agreed with. To take a selfie was almost like getting cooties back in middle school. Nowadays, however, everyone takes selfies. Different companies have helped selfies become popular and more socially acceptable. Companies like Snapchat and Instagram help glorify the selfie. With these apps, people became more comfortable with taking selfies. These days, i have also become comfortable with taking selfies. The world now looks at selfies as a way to express themselves with a different picture angle. Selfies are unique because people are able to take a portrait picture of themselves. The selfie has evolved over the years and continues to do so as technology does as well.
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