Selfie Article Response - Matt Stevens
One definition of the selfie presented in the article states, “a selfie is a photographic object that initiates the transmission of human feeling in the form of a relationship”. Basically, this definition is stating that a selfie allows for one to create a better relationship with themselves. I agree with this definition and believe that it is always constructive for someone to get to know themselves better. In this sense, a selfie can be a good thing. To further support this idea of self-exploration, the article mentions on page 31, “The selfie negotiates this struggle by letting Others turn photography into acknowledgments of their lived experience”. This acknowledgment that racial minorities, queer or transgender individuals, or people with disabilities get from a selfie is an obvious plus. I completely agree with the idea that people of a minority group can sometimes have difficulty expressing who they really are, without being judged by their stereotypes. A selfie provides a way for them to express themselves truly and freely, ultimately deciding how they want to be perceived.
Another point made by the article was that a selfie eliminates the need for another person to be taking your photograph. Furthermore, the article claims that having an external person take your photograph somehow distorts your ability to truly convey yourself to the world. I disagree. I believe that by having an external person take your photograph you gain not only your own perspective but that of the other person taking your picture. This results in a more complete and unique photograph, that reflects not only your own ideas but those of the other person as well. By having someone else take your picture it also slows down the entire process significantly. This could be taken as a negative. But one benefit is that it is likely to produce better photographs. By taking a second to think about framing and lighting, a picture taken by a friend is likely to turn out better. On the contrary, by taking the time to set up a “perfect” shot, you are also likely to ruin the moment or miss it entirely.
One final point made by the article speaks of individuals who take selfies, “These individuals will never be celebrities but they are celebrated authentically in their own individual narrative, no matter how fleeting”. This quote defines one of the key points made in the article and boils down to the fact that selfies are what you make of it and it does not matter what anyone else thinks of it. It is a reflection for yourself.
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