Sunday, July 8, 2018

Elizabeth skinner Selfie Article

Within the article Fear and Selfie-Loathing in America: Identifying the interstices of Othering, Iconoclasm, and the Selfie by Jessica Leigh Maddox; Maddox talks about how the act of taking a selfie is thought as selfish and narcissistic. Throughout the article Maddox explains her views and socially acceptable views on how “real men don’t take selfies”, a selfie is a way to show one’s self pride, and not how one becomes conceited for taking selfies. Although Maddox presents clear points about the societal view on selfies and creates a clear argument on why selfies are selfish, I yet to agree with her main message of the selfie being selfish.
Maddox presented her argument in a formal and non-hurtful way but after continuing my reading to the end of the article I felt as if Maddox was out to stop the society from taking selfies all for one. I do not agree that taking selfies is just for women, teenagers, to show off, or to present the love of one’s self. Maddox supported her ideas with convincing words and topics that became clear to the audience and did a great job at showing the other perspective on why selfies are not socially acceptable to her.
After reading the article, I understand the points Maddox is trying to make but do not agree with her idea that taking selfies makes a person selfish. I believe taking a selfie is because you think you look good on a special occasion like prom, a wedding you attend, or even a social gathering and you want to remember the night and how you looked good. Taking a selfie when you look good does not make you selfish it makes you proud and confident in your body. I also believe people take selfies when they are with a group of friends or family to remember the event they were at, a moment, or the pretty view they had. Taking selfies to remember important moments with people is not selfish and should never be called selfish because it is for the person and people in the photo to remember the moments for life. 
            Throughout the article Maddox presents clear and presentable points that help the viewer to understand her side as well as the other side of the story. Though her points are clear and accurate to society’s views and what they accept of a person, people should not feel bad about posing their selfies for being male, remembering the memories, and especially self-love.

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Final Project - Liz Skinner