Monday, July 30, 2018

Morgan Lang - Final Proposal

           I am currently struggling with some heavy emotions, like feeling overwhelmed, empty, broken, and depressed. I have had these feelings in the past and used different strategies to help cope with them. I thought it would be helpful to try a new strategy. I want to capture those emotions in photographs, so that they would be easier to deal with. I want to photograph areas of destruction and darkness, more specifically rust, junk, and debris. I think rust is a great representation of the emotions I’m feeling. It eats away and weakens the metal, making it a strong example, carrying the depth and meaning of my emotions.    
I also want to photograph debris. This will help me visualize my brokenness and help others to understand what I’m going through. I feel scattered at times, not in the sense of jumping from one thing to another, but like I’m falling apart. I think a great representation of this is a crumbling wall, rubble, or a pot hole. I think it’s very cool to be able to use photography as a doorway into my emotions.  I believe this will also allow me to control my feelings more easily, rather than feeling like my emotions control me.
I will accomplish this project by traveling to junk yards, old and run-down buildings around the area, and other various places of that nature. I will take pictures of anything that represents my emotions, whether it be a hole in a wall, or a rusty storm drain. As I think of it, it appears that by completing this exercise, I will be looking at objects from a whole new point of view. Instead of looking at a rusty pipe and thinking nothing of it, I hope to be able to see in it a deep and metaphorical meaning.     
I’m hopeful in that this project will help me get my feelings out in the open, so that I may better understand, and deal with them in an appropriate and positive way. I think this will give me the opportunity to explore a new genre of photography that I haven’t done in the past. This will be a great, positive way to express my emotions. I will be able to turn something ugly and sad, into a more beautiful and power piece of art. I’m excited to see how this project will turn out, both in the photographic sense and emotional exploration. 

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Final Project - Liz Skinner